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Year 9 36-week schedule (still in progress; term 1 is complete) Time period covered in Year 9: 1688-1815 including French and American Revolutions Books used for this schedule: A History of the American People by Paul Johnson pages 81-269 OR Age of Revolution by Churchill Founding Father - Rediscovering George Washington by Richard Brookhiser Autobiography of Ben Franklin terms 1 and 2 Royal Road to Romance by Richard Halliburton terms 1 and 2 (19 weeks, read 2 chapters per week) Plutarch's Lives (use Ambleside's rotation) Ourselves by Charlotte Mason, remainder of Book 1 An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope Are You Liberal, Conservative? or Confused? by Richard Maybury term 1 The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot, used in terms 1 and 2 C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity (if you've read it, read The Abolition of Man) How to Read a Book, part 3 (chapters 13-15 this term) History of English Literature for Boys and Girls by HE Marshall Ch 63-73 this year Simond's Literature -Increase and Cotton Mather from Chapter 1 (click on Puritan Poetry in New England under Early Colonial Literature) Simond's Literature -Chapter 2 (click on each of the five subtitles under The Eighteenth Century; because of an error in frames, subsections can't be accessed except from main page) Isaac Bickerstaff by Richard Steele Days with Sir Roger DeCoverly by Richard Steele term 1 The Coverley Papers from the 'Spectator' Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. (Skip chapter 5 in Part II, on Gulliver's visit to Brobdinnag, the land of the Giants.) Tale of a Tub by Jonathan Swift Battle of the Books by Jonathan Swift Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif (two chapters this term) Ethics of the Dust by John Ruskin, 9 chapters in term 1 (more chapters in Year 10) Elements of Style by Strunk and White How To Read a Book by Mortimer Adler, part 3 for this year Poetry of Alexander Pope Grammar program of your choice Apologia Science Shakespeare (use the Ambleside Online rotation) Math Foreign Language of your choice Folksongs Additionally, these texts will be needed for Term 2 A History of the American People by Paul Johnson pages 121-184 from beginning of part 3 to 'the extent to which one influenced the other, at all times.' term 3 pg 184-279 from The stages by which the United States Constitution was created" to end of pt 3 Declaration of Rights (1765) The Declaration of Independence (1776) Articles of Confederation (1777) Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown (1781) Treaty with Great Britain (1783) Constitution of the United States (1787) (These are only a few of the documents suggested for this term; if you'd like to do more, see the Yr 9 page) Patrick Henry's famous 'Give me liberty or give me death' speech (which prepared Virginia for war against the Mother Country) Edmund Burke's Plea for Conciliation with the American Colonies, March 22,1775 Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon (1741) John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination or "Free Grace" (1740) (provides a theological contrast to Edwards' sermone) John Adams and the American Revolution by Catherine Drinker Bowen (to be read over 20 weeks) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield, choose selections (we hope to have some selections chosen this year) C.S. Lewis The Weight of Glory How to Read a Book, part 3 (chapters 16, 17 this term) Land of Little Rain by Mary Austin OR Natural History of Selbourne by Gilbert White OR The Life of the Fly by J. Henri Fabre Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler terms 2 and 3 (18 weeks) Common Sense by Thomas Paine Five Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia by Samuel Johnson Oliver Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer and/or The Vicar of Wakefield The School for Scandal by Richard Sheridan Poetry of William Cowper and Phyllis Wheatley Love is a Fallacy by Max Shulman (a fun, short piece) The Story of Painting by H.W. Janson - this term: Toward Revolution And these texts will be needed for Term 3: Washington's First Inaugural Address (1789) Treaty with the Six Nations (1794) Washington's Farewell Address (1796) Treaty with France (Louisiana Purchase) (1803) Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812) (1814) Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph J. Ellis Miracle at Philadelphia by Catherine Drinker Bowen Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott- the version online (also here) has been scheduled even though it has a portion missing The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis How to Read a Book, part 3 (chapters 18, 19 this term) Reflections on the French Revolution by Edmund Burke The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (chapters are short) Faust, Book I by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (if you use the Bartleby link given, plan to read about 370 lines per week) Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (start in term 3, finish over the summer as the time period overlaps into Year 10's history) Poetry of Lord Byron The Great Astronomers, chapters near the end by Robert S. Ball The Story of Painting by H.W. Janson (this term: Age of Machines to paragraph ending "artist and public that still persists today." in the Romantic Movement section) Term 1: 1688-1730 Week 1 History of the American People pg 79-82 (to 'there are immortal souls') OR Age of Revolution, William of Orange (first half this week) Peruse this site and read actual cases. Note: Incidentally, a good foil for reading the Witchcraft Trials of Salem would be the Malleus Maleficarum -- a book about how to discover witches published in England. The Salem Witch Trials were a blight on our history, but the fact remains that they stand out because of the rarity of witchcraft executions in the Colonies, and their comparatively late date (although Switzerland executed a witch in 1892). In the Colonies, 40 people were executed for witchcraft, half of them in the Salem Trials, and one of the key judges later repented and expressed his deep sorrow for his role in the executions. In England, there were nearly a thousand witchcraft trials from 1552 to 1722, and roughly a quarter of those ended in executions. Scotland tried nearly 2,000 in the same period, and even Switzerland had nearly 400 witchcraft trials in this period with nearly a quarter of the accused executed. Southwestern Germany executed some 3,000 during the same time period. Read another perspective. Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father introduction and begin "War" (it's a long chapter) Royal Road to Romance ch 1, 2 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 131-135: Gladness Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 10-16 Introduction-ch 1 Mere Christianity 1. Law of Human Nature, 2. Some Objections, 3. The Reality of the Law Microbe Hunters the chapter on Leeuwenhook Coverley Papers: 1 Addison, 2 Steele, 106 Addison Isaac Bickerstaff ch 1 The Staffian Race, ch 2 Pacolet Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: Sir Roger's Family Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 1, 2 Tale of a Tub: The Preface Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 2 History of the American People pg 82-85 (to 'watershed in American history.') OR Age of Revolution, William of Orange (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "War" Royal Road to Romance ch 3, 4 Essay on Man: The Design Simonds American Literature IV Puritan Poetry in New England, last section on Cotton and Increase Mather Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 17-35 ch 2-5 Mere Christianity 4. What Lies Behind the Law, 5. We Have Cause to be Uneasy Microbe Hunters ch 2 on Spallanzani Coverley Papers: 107 Steele, 108 Addison, 109 Steele Isaac Bickerstaff ch 3 Pacolet's Story, ch 4 Recollections Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: Mr Will Wimble Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 3-5 Tale of a Tub: Section I.--The Introduction Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 3 History of the American People pg 85-89 (to 'an experimental center for plants.') OR Age of Revolution, Continental War (first half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Constitution" first half of the chapter Royal Road to Romance ch 5, 6 Essay on Man: 1 - The Universe Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 36-48 ch 6-10 Mere Christianity 1. The Rival Conceptions of God, 2. The Invasion, 3. The Shocking Alternative Ethics of the Dust, ch 1 How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 13 over the next two or three weeks Coverley Papers: 110 Addison, 112 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 5 Marriage of Sister Jenny, ch 6 A Case of Spleen, ch 7 The Dream of Fame Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 6-8 Tale of a Tub: Section II. Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 4 History of the American People pg pg 89-93 (to 'operating over 300 ships.') OR Age of Revolution, Continental War (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Constitution" last half of the chapter Royal Road to Romance ch 7, 8 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 136-139: Justice Universal Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 49-61 Washington's Farewell Address-ch 12 Mere Christianity 4. The Perfect Penitent, 5. The Practical Conclusion, 1. The Three Parts of Morality Ethics of the Dust, ch 2 Simonds History of American Literature I. The First Half of the Century Coverley Papers: 113 Steele, 114, 115 Addison Isaac Bickerstaff ch 8 Love and Sorrow, ch 9 Love and Reason Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The Picture Gallery Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 1-3 (near the end of ch 1, Gulliver describes a giantess nursing a child.) Tale of a Tub: Section III.--A Digression Concerning Critics Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 5 History of the American People pg 93-96 (to 'cotton after the Revolution.') OR Age of Revolution, The Spanish Succession (first half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "President" Royal Road to Romance ch 9, 10 Essay on Man: 2- Himself as an Individual Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 62-73 ch 13-15 Mere Christianity 2. The Cardinal Virtues, 3. Social Morality, 4. Morality and Phsycoanalysis Ethics of the Dust, ch 3 Coverley Papers: 116 Budgell, 117 Addison, 118 Steele Isaac Bickerstaff ch 10 A Business Meeting, ch 11 Duello, ch 12 Happy Marriage Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: A Country Sunday Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 4 and 6 (skip ch 5, where some ladies take undignified liberties with tiny Gulliver) Tale of a Tub: Section IV.--A Tale Of A Tub Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 6 History of the American People pg 96-100 (to 'provided free for guests.') OR Age of Revolution, The Spanish Succession (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Nature" Royal Road to Romance ch 11, 12 Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 74-85 ch 16-18 Mere Christianity 5. Sexual Morality, 6. Christian Marriage Ethics of the Dust, ch 4 How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 14 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Marshall's English Literature 63 Swift Coverley Papers: 119 Addison, 120 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 13 Dead Folk, ch 14 The Wife Dead, ch 15 The Club at the Trumpet Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 7, 8 Tale of a Tub: Section V.--A Digression In The Modern Kind, Section VI.--A Tale Of A Tub Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 7 History of the American People pg 100-103 (to 'over the people of the colonies.') OR Age of Revolution, Marlborough (first half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Morals" Royal Road to Romance ch 13, 14 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 140-149: Justice to the Persons of Others Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 86-99 ch 19-23 Mere Christianity 7. Forgiveness, 8. The Great Sin, 9. Charity Ethics of the Dust, ch 5 Coverley Papers: 121, 122, 123 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 16 A Very Pretty Poet, ch 17 Fatherly Care Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The Widow Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa, Etc ch 1-3 Tale of a Tub: Section VII--A Digression In Praise Of Digressions, Section VIII.--A Tale Of A Tub Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 8 History of the American People pg 103-107(to 'of the mob belonged to it!') OR Age of Revolution, Marlborough (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father Ideas" Royal Road to Romance ch 15, 16 Essay on Man: 3- Society Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 100-111 ch 24 Mere Christianity 10. Hope, 11. Faith, 12. also titled Faith Ethics of the Dust, ch 6 Marshall's English Literature 64 Swift Gulliver's Travels Coverley Papers: 125, 126, 127 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 18 Bickerstaff Censor Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The Chase Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa, Etc ch 4-7 Tale of a Tub: Section IX.--A Digression Concerning The Original, Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 9 History of the American People pg 107-108 (to 'second half of the twentieth century.') OR Age of Revolution, Oudenarde and Malplaquet (first half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Fathers" Royal Road to Romance ch 17, 18 Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 112-121 summary-end Mere Christianity 1. Making and Begetting, 2. The Three-Personal God Ethics of the Dust, ch 7 How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 15 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Coverley Papers: 128, 129 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 19 Of Men Who Are Their Own Masters Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa, Etc ch 8-11 Tale of a Tub: Section X.--A Farther Digression, Section XI.--A Tale Of A Tub Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 10 History of the American People pg 108-112 (to 'essence of the religious experience.') OR Age of Revolution, Oudenarde and Malplaquet (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Patriarchs and Masters" Royal Road to Romance ch 19, 20 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg150-155: Truth: Justice in Word The English Constitution 1 Introduction first half Mere Christianity 3. Time and Beyond, 4. Good Infection, 5. The Obstinate Toy Soldier Ethics of the Dust, ch 8 Marshall's English Literature 65 Joseph Addison "the Spectator" Coverley Papers: 130, 131, 132 Steele Isaac Bickerstaff ch 20 False Doctoring, ch 21 Drinking Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The County Assizes Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 1-4 Tale of a Tub: The Conclusion; read to the end Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 11 History of the American People pg 112-114 (to 'stranger sects on the Protestant fringes.') OR Age of Revolution, Treaty of Utrechte (first half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Father of his Country" Royal Road to Romance ch 21, 22 Essay on Man: 4- Happiness The English Constitution 1 Introduction second half Mere Christianity 6. Two Notes, 7. Let's Pretend, 8. Is Christianity Hard?, 9. Counting the Cost Ethics of the Dust, ch 9 Coverley Papers: 269 Addison, 329, 335 Addison Isaac Bickerstaff ch 22 Night and Day, ch 23 Two Old Ladies, ch 24 Maria Calls in Shire Lane Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The Spectators Return to Town Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 5-8 Battle of the Books--take 2 weeks to read this Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 12 History of the American People pg 114-117 OR Age of Revolution, Treaty of Utrechte (last half this week) Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Founding Father "Death" Royal Road to Romance ch 23, 24 The English Constitution 2 The Constitution first half Mere Christianity 10. Nice People or New Men?, 11. The New Men Marshall's English Literature 66 Dick Steele Coverley Papers: 359 Budgell, 383 Addison, 517 Isaac Bickerstaff ch 25 Sister Jenny and Her Husband, ch 26 Love That Will Live, ch 27 Mr Bickerstaff's Nephews Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 9-12 Battle of the Books--take 2 weeks to read this Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Term 2: 1730-1786 Week 13 History of the American People pg 121-125 to "Huguenot immigrants in the British colonies could testify" OR Age of Revolution, The House of Hanover Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Royal Road to Romance ch 25, 26 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 156-162: Spoken Truth The English Constitution 2 The Constitution second half Common Sense by Thomas Paine Introduction The Weight of Glory introduction and preface History of Rasselas ch 1-3 (these are very short chapters) Land of Little Rain ch 1, 2 OR Selbourne to end of Letter IV OR Life of the Fly ch 1, 2 The Story of Painting by H.W. Janson - this term, work through the section "Toward Revolution" Simonds History of American Literature II. Benjamin Franklin Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 14 History of the American People pg 125-131 to "factor in his life and allegiance." OR Age of Revolution, Sir Robert Walpole Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Royal Road to Romance ch 27, 28 The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy first half Common Sense by Thomas Paine 1 Of the Origin and Design of Government in General The Weight of Glory ch 1 The Weight of Glory History of Rasselas ch 4-8 She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act I (there are 5 acts; do one per week) Land of Little Rain ch 3 OR Selbourne Letters V-XI OR Life of the Fly ch 3, 4 Simonds History of American Literature III. The Second Half of the Century Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 15 History of the American People pg 131-136 to "indulging his scientific curiosity." OR Age of Revolution; Austrian Succession Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Royal Road to Romance ch 29, 30 The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy second half Common Sense by Thomas Paine 2 Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession The Weight of Glory Learning in War-Time History of Rasselas ch 9-12 She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act II Land of Little Rain 4 OR Selbourne Letters XII-XXII OR Life of the Fly ch 5 How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 16 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Simonds History of American Literature IV. Poetry of the Revolution Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 16 History of the American People pg 136-141 to "and oppressive, but ridiculous." OR Age of Revolution, use this week to catch up if necessary Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks) Royal Road to Romance ch 31, 32 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 163-166: Some Causes of Lying The English Constitution 4 The House of Lords first half Common Sense by Thomas Paine 3 Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs The Weight of Glory Why I am Not a Pacifist History of Rasselas ch 13-15 She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act III Land of Little Rain 5 OR Selbourne Letters XXIII-XXXII OR Life of the Fly ch 6 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 17 History of the American People pg 141-147 to "--to a close." OR Age of Revolution, The American Colonies Declaration of Rights (1765) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield John Adams and the American Revolution ch 1, 2 Royal Road to Romance ch 33, 34 The English Constitution 4 The House of Lords second half Common Sense by Thomas Paine 4 Of the Present Ability of America, with misc Reflexions The Weight of Glory Transportation History of Rasselas ch 16-19 She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act IV Land of Little Rain 6, 7 OR Selbourne Letters XXXIII-XLIV OR Life of the Fly ch 7, 8 Marshall's English Literature ch 67 Pope Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 18 History of the American People pg 147-152 to "their lives and fortunes in the same cause." OR Age of Revolution, The First World War John Adams and the American Revolution ch 3-5 Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Royal Road to Romance ch 35, 36 The English Constitution 5 The House of Commons first half Common Sense by Thomas Paine Appendix The Weight of Glory Is Theology Poetry? History of Rasselas ch 20-25 She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act V Land of Little Rain 8 OR Selbourne Letters to Daines Barrington I-VI OR Life of the Fly 9, 10 Marshall's English Literature ch 68 Samuel Johnson Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 19 History of the American People pg 152-157 to "Independence sets forth." OR Age of Revolution, The Quarrel with America John Adams and the American Revolution ch 6, 7 Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Royal Road to Romance ch 37 CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 167-172: Integrity in Work The English Constitution 5 The House of Commons second half Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 1 The Rich and The Poor The Weight of Glory The Inner Ring History of Rasselas ch 26-29 The School for Scandal, a 5-act play; read Act I Land of Little Rain 9 OR Selbourne Letters VII-XVI OR Life of the Fly ch 11 How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 17 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Marshall's English Literature ch 69 Johnson Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 20 History of the American People pg 157-162 to "September 11, 1777." OR Age of Revolution, use this as a catch-up week John Adams and the American Revolution ch 8, 9 Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Walking the Bible "And God SaidGo Forth" The English Constitution 6 Changes of Ministry first half Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 2 Wages The Weight of Glory Membership History of Rasselas ch 30-34 The School for Scandal, a play; read Act II Land of Little Rain 10 OR Selbourne Letters XVIII-XXII OR Life of the Fly ch 12-14 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 21 History of the American People pg 162-167 to "Anglo-American Special Relationship." OR Age of Revolution, War of Independence John Adams and the American Revolution ch 10 Patrick Henry's famous 'Give me liberty or give me death - 1775 Edmund Burke's Plea for Conciliation with the American Colonies, 1775 The Declaration of Independence (1776) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Walking the Bible "In the Land of Canaan" The English Constitution 6 Changes of Ministry second half Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 3 Population: or Patty's Marriage The Weight of Glory On Forgiveness History of Rasselas ch 35-38 The School for Scandal, a play; read Act III Land of Little Rain 11 OR Selbourne Letters XXIII-XXXVI OR Life of the Fly ch 15-16 Marshall's English Literature ch 70 Goldsmith Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 22 History of the American People pg 167-173 to "lost the religious battle." OR Age of Revolution, The United States John Adams and the American Revolution ch 11 Articles of Confederation (1777) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Walking the Bible "Take Now Thy Son" CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 173-178: Integrity in Use of Time The English Constitution 7 Supposed Checks and Balances first half Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 4 The Poor's Rate: or The Treacherous Friend The Weight of Glory A Slip of the Tongue History of Rasselas ch 39-42 The School for Scandal, a play; read Act IV Land of Little Rain 12 OR Selbourne Letters XXXVII-XLIV OR Life of the Fly ch 17-18 Marshall's English Literature ch 71 Goldsmith Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 23 History of the American People pg 173-177 to "reaching it the next morning." John Adams and the American Revolution ch 12, 13 Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown (1781) Treaty with Great Britain (1783) Constitution of the United States (1787) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Walking the Bible "A Pillow of Stones" The English Constitution 7 Supposed Checks and Balances second half Essays by Jane Haldimand Marcet 5 Foreign Trade: or The Wedding Gown Love is a Fallacy (very short!) History of Rasselas ch 43-46 The School for Scandal, a play; read Act VI (take 2 weeks if necessary) Land of Little Rain 13 OR Selbourne Letters XLV-LVI OR Life of the Fly ch 19 Marshall's English Literature ch 72 Burns Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 24 History of the American People pg 177-184 to "the other, at all times."OR Age of Revolution, The Indian Empire John Adams and the American Revolution ch 14 Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon (1741) John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination (1740) Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield Walking the Bible "On the Banks of the Nile" The English Constitution 8 Prerequisites of Cabinet Government first half History of Rasselas ch 47-49 Land of Little Rain 14 OR Selbourne Letters LVII to end OR Life of the Fly ch 20 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Term 3: 1786-1815 Week 25 History of the American People pg 184-192 to "In that sense it was very important." OR Age of Revolution, The Younger Pitt John Adams and the American Revolution ch 15, 16 Founding Brothers: Preface- The Generation Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 1, 2 Walking the Bible "And They Made Their Lives Bitter" CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 179-186: Opinions The English Constitution 8 Prerequisites of Cabinet Government second half Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 1-34 The Problem of Pain preface and introduction Great Astronomers: Isaac Newton The Story of Painting by H.W. Janson (this term, work through Age of Machines to paragraph ending "artist and public that still persists today." in the Romantic Movement section) Pride and Prejudice ch 1-7 Faust, lines 1-370 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 1-5 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 26 History of the American People pg 192-200 to "as two years (some, one)." OR Age of Revolution, The American Constitution John Adams and the American Revolution ch 17 Washington's First Inaugural Address (1789) Founding Brothers: ch 1 The Duel Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 3, 4 Walking the Bible "A Wall of Water" The English Constitution 9 Its History first half Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 34-68 The Problem of Pain 2. Divine Omnipotence Great Astronomers: Flamsteed How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 18 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Simonds History of American Literature V. The Close of the Century Pride and Prejudice ch 8-13 Faust, lines 370-740 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 6-10 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 27 History of the American People pg 200-208 to "William Few of Georgia." OR Age of Revolution, The French Revolution John Adams and the American Revolution ch 18, 19 Founding Brothers: ch 2 The Dinner Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 5, 6 Walking the Bible "A Land of Fiery Snakes and Scorpions" The English Constitution 9 Its History second half Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 68-102 The Problem of Pain 3. Divine Goodness Great Astronomers: Halley Pride and Prejudice ch 14-18 Faust, lines 740-1110 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 11-15 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 28 History of the American People pg 215 to "industry could stand on its own feet." OR Age of Revolution, France Confronted John Adams and the American Revolution ch 20 Founding Brothers: ch 2 The Dinner (catch up week) Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 7, 8 Walking the Bible "On Holy Ground" CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 187-190: Principles Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 102-136 The Rights of Man preface to English edition and Rights of Man to "expedition to Versailles, October the 5th and 6th." The Problem of Pain 4. Human Wickedness Great Astronomers: Bradley Pride and Prejudice ch 19-23 Faust, lines 1110-1480 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 16-20 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 29 History of the American People pg 215-222 to "inti-mate acquaintance." OR Age of Revolution, use this week to catch up if necessary John Adams and the American Revolution ch 21, 22 Founding Brothers: ch 3 The Silence Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 9, 10 Walking the Bible "The God-Trodden Mountain" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 136-170 The Rights of Man Rights of Man to "Those Men Despise It.--But it is time to proceed to a new subject." The Problem of Pain 5. The Fall of Man Great Astronomers: William Herschel Pride and Prejudice ch 24-29 Faust, lines 1480-1850 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 21-25 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 30 History of the American People pg 222-230 to "led America to an auspicious start." OR Age of Revolution, Trafalgar John Adams and the American Revolution ch 23 Founding Brothers: ch 4 The Farewell Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 11, 12 Walking the Bible "Wandering" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 170-204 The Rights of Man Rights of Man to end of chapter The Problem of Pain 6. Human Pain Great Astronomers: LaPlace How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 19 over the next 2 or 3 weeks Pride and Prejudice ch 30-34 Faust, lines 1850-2220 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 26-30 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 31 History of the American People pg 230-237 to "minority only eight times." OR Age of Revolution, Emperor of the French John Adams and the American Revolution ch 24 Founding Brothers: ch 4 The Farewell (catch up week) Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 13, 14 Walking the Bible "And the Earth Opened its Mouth" CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 191-203: Self-Ordering Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 204-238 The Rights of Man Miscellaneous chapter The Problem of Pain 7. Human Pain, continued Great Astronomers: Brinkley Pride and Prejudice ch 35-40 Faust, lines 2220-2590 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 31-35 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 32 History of the American People pg 237-245 to "to the pediment and roof." OR Age of Revolution, Peninsular War John Adams and the American Revolution ch 25, 26 Founding Brothers: ch 5 The Collaborators Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 15, 16 Walking the Bible "The Land of Milk and Honey" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 238-272 The Rights of Man Conclusion, Part 2 Preface, Introduction, ch 1 The Problem of Pain 8. Hell Great Astronomers: John Herschel Marshall's English Literature ch 73 Cowper Pride and Prejudice ch 41-44 Faust, lines 2590-2960 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 36-40 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 33 History of the American People pg 245-253 to "begged Congress to accept." OR Age of Revolution, Washington, Adams, Jefferson John Adams and the American Revolution ch 27, 28 Founding Brothers: ch 5 The Collaborators (catch up week) Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 17-19 Treaty with the Six Nations (1794) Washington's Farewell Address (1796) Treaty with France (Louisiana Purchase) (1803) Walking the Bible "The Wars of the Lord" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 272-306 The Rights of Man ch 2 -3 The Problem of Pain 9. Animal Pain Great Astronomers: Earl of Rosse Pride and Prejudice ch 45-48 Faust, lines 2960-3330 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 41-45 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 34 History of the American People pg 253-261 to "Vermont and New York State." OR Age of Revolution, The War of 1812 John Adams and the American Revolution ch 29 Founding Brothers: ch 6 The Friendship Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 20-22 Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812) (1814) Walking the Bible "Half as Old as Time" CM's Ourseles Book 1 pg 204-210: Vocation Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 306-340 The Rights of Man ch 4 The Problem of Pain 10. Heaven Great Astronomers: Airy Pride and Prejudice ch 49-52 Faust, lines 3330-3700 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 46-50 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 35 History of the American People pg 261-269 to "grand but ruthless purposes." OR Age of Revolution, Elba and Waterloo John Adams and the American Revolution ch 30, 31 Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 23 Walking the Bible "Sunrise in the Palm of the Lord" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 340-374 The Rights of Man ch 5 to "the sick stranger will be better treated." Great Astronomers: Hamilton Pride and Prejudice ch 53-56 Faust, lines 3700-4070 (approximate) Count of Monte Cristo ch 51-55 Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs Week 36 History of the American People pg 269-279 OR Age of Revolution, catch up this week if necessary John Adams and the American Revolution ch 32, 33 Napoleon Bonaparte by J. Abbott - not too long, but no chapters. Divide as desired this term Miracle at Philadelphia ch 24, 25 Walking the Bible "And the People Believed" and "Take These Words" Reflections on the French Revolution Paragraphs 374-408 The Rights of Man ch 5 to the end of the chapter Great Astronomers: Le Verrier Pride and Prejudice ch 57-61 Count of Monte Cristo ch 56-60 (finish reading chapters 61-118 through the summer) Faust, lines 4070-4429 (approximate) Poetry Grammar Apologia Science Shakespeare Math Foreign Language Folksongs |