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Year 7 36-week schedule (adapted with additional books from the year 7 schedule by Michele Rowley)

Week  1
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 1
Ivanhoe: Chap 1
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 1
Watership Down chap 1-9
Churchill's Birth of Britain: Chapter 1
Bede: book I, chapter II
History of English Literature: Chap I
Age of Chivalry: Preface-Part One, Chap I (half)
Lay of the Land ch I
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Preface and ch 1-2
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 1-4 The Country of Mansoul
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 1
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the
           Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week  2
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage Chap 2 (12 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 2
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 2
Watership Down chap 10-13
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch. 2
Bede BK I, ch. III
History of English Literature: Chap II
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap I (lasthalf)
Lay of the Land ch II
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy ch 3-4
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the
         Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 3
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage Chap 2 (12 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 3
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 3
Watership Down chap 14-17
Churchill's Birth of Britain Ch. 3
Bede Bk I, ch IV- VII
History of English Literature: Chap III
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap II
Lay of the Land ch III (first half)
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 5-6
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 5-8 ch 2 The Perils of Mansoul
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Magic Pictures of the
           Cavemen 3 weeks, recommend spacing book out to 3 or 4 pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 4
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage Chap 3 (12 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 4
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 4
Watership Down chap 18-21
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 4 to the top of page 45
Bede bk I, chapter XII
History of English Literature: Chap IV
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap III
Lay of the Land ch III (second half)
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy ch 7-8
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 5
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage Chap 3 (12 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 5
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 5
Watership Down chap 22-24
Churchill's Birth of Britain continue to about the middle of chapter 5
Bede Bk 1, ch. XIV, XV, XVI
History of English Literature: Chap V
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap IV
Lay of the Land ch IV
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 9-10
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 9-10 ch 3 The Government of Mansoul
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 6
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 4
Ivanhoe: Chap 6
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 6
Watership Down chap 25-27
Churchill's Birth of Britain to end of chapter 5
Bede XXV and XXVI
History of English Literature: Chap VI
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap V
Lay of the Land ch V
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy ch 11
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Dead (Egypt) 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 7
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 5 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 7
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 7 (half)
Watership Down chap 28-31
Churchill's Birth of Britain chapter 6
Bede bk I, ch XXXIV Bk II, last two chapters
History of English Literature: Chap VII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap VI
Lay of the Land ch VI
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 12-13
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 11-14 Part I ch 1 Hunger
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Living, Crete 2 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 8
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 5 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 8
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 7 (half)
Watership Down chap 32-35
Churchill's Birth of Britain chapter 7 first half
Asser's account of King Alfred
History of English Literature: Chap VIII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap VII
Lay of the Land ch VII
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy ch 14 - pg 106
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 2
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Pictures for the Living, Crete 2 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 9
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 6
Ivanhoe: Chap 9
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 8
Watership Down chap 36-38
Churchill's Birth of Britain chapter 7, second half
Bede The Anglo Saxon Chronicle regarding King Alfred
Life of Alfred by Asser half of part 1
History of English Literature: Chap IX
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap VIII
Lay of the Land ch VII
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: pg 107-124
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 15-17 ch II Thirst
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 10
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 7 (10 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 10
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 9
Watership Down: chap 39-41
Churchill's Birth of Britain Chapter 8, first half
Life of Alfred by Asser half of part 1
History of English Literature: Chap X
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap IX
Lay of the Land ch VIII
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy pg 125-132
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 11
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 7 (10 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 11
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 10
Watership Down: chap 42-46
Churchill's Birth of Britain Chapter 8, second half
William of Malmsbury's account of the Battle of Hastings find online here
Life of Alfred by Asser half of part 2
History of English Literature: Chap XI
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap X-XI
Lay of the Land ch IX, X
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: pg 133-142
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 18-20 ch III Restlessness and Rest
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 12
Bible  John
The Brendan Voyage chap 7 (10 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 12-13
Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 11
Watership Down: chap 47-epilogue
Churchill's Birth of Britain chapter 9
Life of Alfred by Asser half of part 2
History of English Literature: Chap XII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XII
Lay of the Land ch XI, XII
Whatever Happened To Penny Candy pg 143-151
Poetry Anthology
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Greek and Roman Painting 4 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Exam Week

Week 13
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 8 (13 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 14-15
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 12
A Taste of Chaucer Introduction (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 10
Twain's Joan of Arc Book I ch 1-2
In Freedom's Cause ch 1, 2
History of English Literature: Chap XIII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XIII
Lay of the Land ch XIII
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 21-23 ch IV Chastity
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks,
                  recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 14
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 8 (13 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 16-17
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 13
A Taste of Chaucer Introduction (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 11
Twain's Joan of Arc Book I ch 3-4
In Freedom's Cause ch 3, 4, 5
History of English Literature: Chap XIV
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XIV-XV
Lay of the Land ch XIV
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks,
                  recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 15
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 9
Ivanhoe: Chap 18-19
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 14
A Taste of Chaucer The Prologue (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 12
Twain's Joan of Arc Book I ch 5-6
In Freedom's Cause ch 6
History of English Literature: Chap XV
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XVI-XVII
Lay of the Land ch XV
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 3
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Middle Ages 3 weeks,
                     recommend spacing this book out to 3 or pages a week
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 16
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 10 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 20
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 15
A Taste of Chaucer  The Prologue (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 13
Twain's Joan of Arc Book I ch 7-8, Book II ch 1-2
In Freedom's Cause ch 7, 8, 9
History of English Literature: Chap XVI
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XVIII
The Life of the Spider ch I, first half
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 24-32 ch V The Five Senses
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle
              Ages in the West 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 17
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 10 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 21
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 16
A Taste of Chaucer The Fortunes of the Great: The Monk's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 14
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 3-4
In Freedom's Cause ch 10, 11
History of English Literature: Chap XVII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XIX-XX
The Life of the Spider ch I second half
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle
              Ages in the West 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 18
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 11 (10 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 22
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 17
A Taste of Chaucer The Fortunes of the Great: The Monk's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 15
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 5-6
In Freedom's Cause ch 12, 13
History of English Literature: Chap XVIII
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XXI
The Life of the Spider ch II first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 9
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Earlier Middle
           Ages in the West 3 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 19
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 11 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 23-24
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 18
A Taste of Chaucer Chanticleer and the Fox: The Nun's Priest's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 16
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 7-9
In Freedom's Cause 14, 15
History of English Literature: Chap XIX
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XXII
The Life of the Spider ch II second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 10
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 33-34 Part II The House of Mind ch 1
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
             Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 20
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 12 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 25
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 19
A Taste of Chaucer Chanticleer and the Fox: The Nun's Priest's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch17
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 10-13
In Freedom's Cause ch 16, 17, 18
History of English Literature: Chap XX
Age of Chivalry: Part One, Chap XXIII
The Life of the Spider ch III
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
            Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 21
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 12 (11 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 26
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 20
A Taste of Chaucer Patient Griselda: The Tale of the Clerk of Oxford (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 18 first half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 14-16
In Freedom's Cause ch 19, 20
History of English Literature: Chap XXI
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap I-II
The Life of the Spider ch IV first half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 11
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
                    Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 22
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 13 (10 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 27
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 21
A Taste of Chaucer Patient Griselda: The Tale of the Clerk of Oxford (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 18 second half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 17-20
In Freedom's Cause ch 21, 22, 23
History of English Literature: Chap XXII
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap III-IV
The Life of the Spider ch IV second half
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 12
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 35-44 ch II My Lord Intellect
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 4
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
           Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 23
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage chap 13 (9 pages)
Ivanhoe: Chap 28
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 22-23
A Taste of Chaucer Phoebus and the Crow: Tha Manciple's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 19
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 21-22
In Freedom's Cause ch 24, 25
History of English Literature: Chap XXIII
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap V-VI
The Life of the Spider ch V
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 13
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
          Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 24
Bible  Luke
The Brendan Voyage appendix I-II
Ivanhoe: Chap 29
The Once and Future King: Book 1, Chap 24
A Taste of Chaucer Phoebus and the Crow: Tha Manciple's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 20
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 23-25
The Magna Carta document
In Freedom's Cause ch 26, 27
History of English Literature: Chap XXIV
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap VII
The Life of the Spider ch VI
Poetry Tennyson, especially Idylls of the King
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Rise of Towns,
              Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Exam Week

Week 25
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks: Foreword
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 1
A Taste of Chaucer The Rocks of Brittany: The Franklin's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 21
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 26-29
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 1. Peter the Hermit
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXV
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap VIII-IX
The Life of the Spider ch VII
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy: Chap 14
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 45-47 ch III Daemons of Intellect
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Explorers and Discoverers
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 26
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 1
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 2-3
A Taste of Chaucer The Rocks of Brittany: The Franklin's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 22
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 30-34
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 2. Godfrey Of Bouillon
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXVI
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap X
The Life of the Spider ch VIII
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 27
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 2
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 4-5
A Taste of Chaucer The Ballad of Sir Thopas: Chaucer's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 23 first half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 35-36
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 3. The Foundation of the Order of
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXVII
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap XI-XII
The Life of the Spider ch IX
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 28
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 3
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 6
A Taste of Chaucer The Ballad of Sir Thopas: Chaucer's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 23 second half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 37-40
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 4. Fall of Edessa
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXVIII
Age of Chivalry: Part Two, Chap XIII
The Life of the Spider ch X
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 48-53 ch IV My Chief Explorer Imagination
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 29
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 4
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 7 (9 pages)
A Taste of Chaucer The Story of Constance: The Tale of the Man of Law (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 24
Twain's Joan of Arc Book II ch 41, Book III ch 1-3
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 5. The Fiasco at Damascus
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXIX
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap I (half)
The Life of the Spider ch XI
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 30
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 5
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap rest of 7 & 8
A Taste of Chaucer The Story of Constance: The Tale of the Man of Law (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 25
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 4-7
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 6. The Capture of Ascalon
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXX
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap I (half)
The Life of the Spider ch XII
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
How To Read a Book Part 1 ch 5
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) Late Gothic Art 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 31
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 6
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 9
A Taste of Chaucer The Wily Alchemist: The Canon Yeoman's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 26
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 8-9
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 7. Egypt in the Twelfth Century
The Daughter of Time
History of English Literature: Chap XXXI
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap II
The Life of the Spider ch XIII
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 54-55 ch V The Beauty Sense
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early
           Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 32
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 7
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 10
A Taste of Chaucer The Wily Alchemist: The Canon Yeoman's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 27
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 10-12
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 8. Revolution in Egypt
The Daughter of Time
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap III
The Life of the Spider ch XIV first half
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early
               Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 33
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks chap 8
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 11
A Taste of Chaucer Three Men in Search of Death: The Pardoner's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 28
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 13-14
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 9. Baldwin IV Becomes King
The Daughter of Time
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap IV
The Life of the Spider ch XIV second half
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early
                         Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 34
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks: chap 9
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 12
A Taste of Chaucer Three Men in Search of Death: The Pardoner's Tale (spend 2 weeks)
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 29
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 15-19
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 10. The Estrangement Between Raymond
The Daughter of Time
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap V
The Life of the Spider ch XV
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
CM's "Ourselves" pg 56-60 ch VI My Lord Chief Attorney General, Reason
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early
              Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 35
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks: chap 10
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 13
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 30 first half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 20-22
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 11. Guy Lusignan Becomes Regent
The Daughter of Time
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap VI (half )
The Life of the Spider ch XVI
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early
            Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Week 36
Bible  Acts
How The Heather Looks: chap 11
The Once and Future King: Book 2, Chap 14
Churchill's Birth of Britain ch 30 second half
Twain's Joan of Arc Book III ch 23-24
Tyre's Crusades: Deeds Done Beyond the Sea 12. Raymond II of Tripoli
The Daughter of Time
Age of Chivalry: Part Three, Chap VI (half )
The Life of the Spider appendix
Poetry Keats, especially The Eve of St Agnes
Grammar of Poetry
Story of Painting (parents should screen art in book first) The Early Reniassance in Italy 6 weeks
Apologia Science
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Fearfully and Wonderfully made (or, use next year)
Foreign language and/or Latin
Nature Study
Picture Study

Exam Week


Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight (Burton Raffel's version is very accessible)
The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkein (The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The
            Return of the King)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain
When the Tripods Came; The White Mountains;  City of Gold and Lead;  and Pool of Fire, by John Christopher
Legends of Charlemagne by Thomas Bulfinch (also here)
The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill
The Knight's Fee by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Gammage Cup  by  Carol Kendall
Rolf and The Viking Bow
The Lost Prince by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The White Company by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (its prequel is Sir Nigel)
Beowulf - the version by Burton Raffel is very accessible, or use this free-verse version
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
The Black Arrow by Robert Louis Stevenson
Hereward the Wake Originally Published in Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales

Other Possibilities: These are books that Miss Mason used, or that we think would be good -- but we've not read them,
        so can't recommend them.  We list them here so that those who are interested might preview them if desired
        and pass on a review for the rest of us:
The Story of the Volsungs (Volsunga Saga), With Excerpts from the Poetic Edda, translated
        by William Morris or Eirikr Magnusson
The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott or other of the Waverly novels appropriate for this year's study
Penrod and Sam by Booth Tarkington
Alhambra by Washington Irving
Feats on the Fiord  also online here or here

Useful for future reference: A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales by Jonathan Nield

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