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AO - Fourth Year Weekly Schedules www.AmblesideOnline.org homepage Ambleside Online License Agreement ~PLEASE READ IN FULL BEFORE USE~ The booklists, schedules and articles on this website are subject to applicable copyright laws and the terms of this License. The copyright holders provide these materials to the general public free of charge solely through this website. You may use them legally within certain limits. This license is intended to guarantee your freedom to privately share this free curriculum in its pure and original form without charge, to personalize this free curriculum as needed for your own family's private use,* to maintain the integrity of the copyrighted materials, and to insure that the materials remain free for all users. Altering these licensed copyrighted materials is not allowed. You may, of course, adapt the materials for your own private use with your family. You are permitted to privately distribute verbatim copies of this licensed material, printed directly from this website, at no monetary charge. Any distributed copies of this program must include this License Agreement and all copyright notifications, for the legal protection of all concerned. You may not charge a fee for this material. It is free and should remain free. You are not authorized to distribute copies of these licensed materials on more than an individual basis, including, but not limited to, the inclusion of these materials within any form of distributed publication or generally accessible internet location, without the express written consent of the Ambleside Online Advisory. If the curriculum is modified and distributed in violation of this license, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so as to protect the reputations of the original authors. To that end, we encourage all users to compare any received copies of this curriculum to the materials posted by the Advisory at www.AmblesideOnline.com. We authorize webmasters to link only to our main homepage, www.AmblesideOnline.com, but not to our content pages, which the Advisory improves, rearranges and updates too frequently for foreign sites to keep current and thus maintain in an accurate reflection of copyrighted materials. This is for the benefit and protection of webmasters and users as well as the copyright holders. Webmasters must obtain Advisory permission before linking to our main page. Anybody can and may use this curriculum by the terms of this license, but by choosing to use it, you are agreeing to never copyright it for your own use or to sell it. All copyrights of the authors of this curriculum are expressly retained and no ownership interest in such copyrights are transferred or assigned by reason of this license agreement. For the protection of each author and the curriculum as a whole, we want to make certain that everyone understands there is no warranty for this free curriculum. *Private schools and umbrella schools seeking authorization to use or modify these materials will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Advisory. __________________________ ~.~ __________________________ In order to complete the curriculum additional instruction should be provided in the following areas. Daily Lessons Foreign language Latin Math Musical Instrument Penmanship or Copywork Singing Weekly Lessons Art Art Appreciation or Picture Study Grammar Musical Appreciation Nature Study Notes on books in list * Augustus Caesar's World - This book contains sections on the birth of world religions presented from a secular humanist point of view. Parents may wish to cover these sections closely with their children. * Notes on Kon Tiki - The readings for this book contain fractional portions of chapters. In a 212 page book, each reading is approximately 6 pages. Additional reading This list can be used as needed, either for free reading, extra literature selections, or for reading practice during school hours. If the student is capable he should read the books himself, otherwise they may be read aloud. * By the Shores of Silver Lake, Laura Ingalls Wilder * Gentle Ben, Walt Morey * Gone Away Lake, Elizabeth Enright * Lassie Come Home, Eric Knight * Pollyanna, Eleanor Porter * Return to Gone Away Lake, Elizabeth Enright * The Borrowers, Mary Norton * The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis * The Complete Peterkin Papers, Lucretia Hale * The Gift of the Magi, O. Henry * The Railway Children, Edith Nesbit * The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett * Thimble Summer, Elizabeth Enright Week 1 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 1, Ancient England and the Romans * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 1-18: Under a Lucky Star The Ides of march Cleopatra and her son * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 1 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 1 * Kon Tiki, 1/2 chapter 1 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 1 and 2, Intro and Prometheus * Incredible Journey: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 2 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 1, Ancient England and the Romans * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 19-34: Caesar's Adopted Son Cicero Conspirators Without a Plan Mark Antony * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 1 * Physics Lab in the Home: Why Is It Called Plumbing?, pg. 16 * Kon Tiki, 1/2 chapter 1 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 3 * Beowulf: section 1-4 * Incredible Journey: ch. 2 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 3 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: ch. 2, Ancient England under the Early Saxons * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 35-49: Why is July? Gaul, Geese and Black Vultures Octavian Plays the game * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 1 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 2 * Kon Tiki, 1/3 chapter 2 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 4 * Beowulf: section 5-8 * Incredible Journey: ch. 3 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 4 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 3, England Under the Good Saxon, Alfred * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 50-65: Bloody Fingerprints (Octavian) Candles and Holly Berries Festival of Lights, Judas Maccabeus, 42 BC 17, Jerusalem * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 2 * Physics in the Home: Is the Surface of a Lake or Ocean Really Flat?, pg. 17 * Kon Tiki, 1/3 chapter 2 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 5 * Beowulf: section 9-12 * Incredible Journey: ch. 4 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 5 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 3, England Under the Good Saxon, Alfred * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 66-84: Herod, King of the Jews Philipi and the Ghost Antony and Octavian divide the World Horace and the Country Mouse * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 2 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 3 * Kon Tiki, 1/3 chapter 2 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 6 * Beowulf: section 13-16 * Incredible Journey: ch. 5 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 6 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 4, England Under Athelstan and the Six Boy-Kings * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 84-101: Antony and Cleopatra Herod, the Fugitive Virgil and Isaiah Octavia weds Antony Herod king of the Jews * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 2 * Physics Lab in the Home: Back to the Aqueducts, pg. 19 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 3 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 7 * Beowulf: section 17-20 * Incredible Journey: ch. 6 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 7 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 4, England Under Athelstan and the Six Boy-Kings * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 102-121: To Athens and Return The Future Empress... Tiberius and Livia The Siege of Jerusalem A Turning Point Antony and Cleopatra The Love Story Ends Antony and Cleopatra * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 3 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 4 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 3 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 8 * Beowulf: section 21-24 * Incredible Journey: ch. 7 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 8 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: ch. 5, England Under Canute the Dane * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 122-140: Herod and Mariamne Triumph and Peace in the Roman World Augustus Caesar! The Druids * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 3 * Physics Lab in the Home: Going with the Flow, pg. 20 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 3 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 9 * Beowulf: section 25-28 * Incredible Journey: ch. 8 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 9 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 6, England Under Harold Harefoot, Hardicanute and Edward the Confessor * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 141-158: Tales of the Wild Northwest (Gaul) A Wedding Julia and Marcellus The Pantheon A Bible for the Romans - the Aeneid Aeneas * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 3 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 5 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 3 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 10 * Beowulf: section 29-32 * Incredible Journey: ch. 9 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 10 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 6, England Under Harold Harefoot, Hardicanute and Edward the Confessor * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 159-176: Who Were The Roman Gods? Golden eagles Come Home Out of Persia: Zoroaster We Still Call It Sunday * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 4 * Physics Lab in the Home: Faucets and Pipes, Rubber Washers, pg. 24 How Do Faucets Work?, pg. 25 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 3 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 11 * Beowulf section 33-36 * Incredible Journey: ch. 10 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 11 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: ch. 7, England Under Harold the Second and Conquered by the Normans * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 177-194: Herod and the temple Hillel, The Great Pharisee The Law of Moses Augustus the god. * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 4 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 6 * Kon Tiki, 1/4 chapter 4 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 12 * Beowulf: section 37-40 * Incredible Journey: ch. 11 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Week 12 * The Bible * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 199-214: A Roman Pharoah Osiris Remember Akhenaton Philo and the Lighthouse of Alexandria * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 4 * Physics Lab in the Home: Water Seeks its Own Level, The Trap, pg. 28 Cleaning Out Blocked Sewer Lines, pg. 31 * Kon Tiki, 1/4 chapter 4 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 13, 14 * Beowulf: section 41-42 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Alfred Lord Tennyson: daily poem Exam Week Week 13 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 8, England Under William the First, the Norman Conqueror * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 215-232: Questions and Answers: Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Stepsons and Stars Tiberius Strabo and the World * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 5 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 7 * Kon Tiki, 1/4 chapter 4 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 15 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part I, The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 1 and 2, * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 14 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 8, England Under William the First, the Norman Conqueror * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 233-249: Of Calendars and the Mayans Children of the Sun: Japanese Shintoism Herod is Dead The Old Silk Road to China * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 5 * Physics Lab in the Home: Surface Tension, pg. 32 * Kon Tiki, 1/4 chapter 4 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 16 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part I The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 3 Part II The Winning of a Sword, ch. 1 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 15 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 9, England Under William the Second, Called Rufus * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 250-266: Land of the Dragon: China's History Of India and the Hindus Pater Patria Augustus and Tiberius * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 5 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 8 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 17 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part II, The Winning of a Sword, ch. 2 and 3 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 16 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 9, England Under William the Second, called Rufus * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 267-282: Buddha and the Kingdom of Truth Birth of Jesus Tiberius * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 6 * Physics Lab in the Home: Hot and Cold, pg. 34 What Is Heat?, pg. 35 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 18 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 1 and 2 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 17 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 10, England Under Henry the First, called Fine-Scholar * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 283-297: A Boy of Nazareth Hebrew Prophets On the German Border * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 6 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 9 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 19 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 3 and 4 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 18 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 10, England Under Henry the First, called Fine-Scholar * Augustus Caesar's World, pg. 298-314: The Passover My Dear Tiberius Hermann, The German Hero Farewell, Augustus! * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 6 * Physics Lab in the Home: Heat on the Move, pg. 37 Conduction, pg. 37 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 20 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 5 and 6 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 19 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: ch. 11, England Under Matilda and Stephen * Augustus Caesar by Genevieve Foster pg. 315-end: The Kingdom of Heaven A New Religion for Rome (Christianity) * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 7 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 10 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 21 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: The Three Worthies: Prologue and Merlin ch. 1, 2, and 3 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 20 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 12, England Under Henry the Second - Part the First * Columbus and Sons, pg. 5-23: St. Christopher's Namesake Young Isabella Who is heir to Castile? Mohammed Captures Constantinople Man of Vision Pope Nicholas of Cusa The Pope and The Printing Press * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 7 * Physics Lab in the Home: Radiation, pg. 39 Convection, pg. 42 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 5 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 22 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Merlin ch. 4 and conclusion, Pellias ch. 1 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 21 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 12, England Under Henry the Second - Part the First * Columbus and Sons, pg. 24-40: From Venice to Portugal The Great Prince (Henry the Navigator) Slavery Africa and the Africans Diogo Gomes on the Gambia A Map From Venice * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 7 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 11 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 6 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 23 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 2 and 3 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 22 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 12, England Under Henry the Second - Part The Second * Columbus and Sons, pg. 41-55: In The Harbor of Genoa Two Patrons of the Renaissance: Lorenzo De Medici Early Florentine Artists Botticelli, Donatello, Verrocchio Young Leonardo The Medicis Add A Lily The Spider King: Louis XI * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 8 * Physics Lab in the Home: Drying Clothes, pg. 45 The Clothes Dryer, pg. 47 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 6 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 24 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 4 and 5 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 23 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 12, England Under Henry the Second - Part The Second * Columbus and Sons, pg. 57-75: The Wars of the Roses Begin Enter Edward IV The Bride and the Printer: Charles the Bold Duke of Burgundy, Duchess Margaret Young Henry Tudor of Wales Isabella Chooses Ferdinand * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 8 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 12 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 6 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 25 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Pellias ch. 6, Gawaine ch. 1 * Robinson Crusoe: read 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Week 24 * The Bible * Columbus and Sons, pg. 76-86: The Small World of Columbus Perpetual Holiday in Florence The New Ruler: Lorenzo Another Rome, Another Ceasar: Ivan III * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 8 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 13 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 6 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 26 and 27 * Story of King Arthur and His Knights: Gawaine ch. 2 and 3 * Robinson Crusoe: 1/12 of the book * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry Sara Teasdale: daily poem Exam Week Week 25 * The Bible * Columbus and Sons, pg. 91-137: Columbus in Portugal Isabella Meets The Challenge Of maps, Books and Driftwood A Fateful Marriage Maximilian and Mary Margaret of Austria, Queen of France Her Husband King Charles VIII Growing Up at Amoise Edward V and His Uncle Richard III The Plot Thickens Henry Tudor, Richard III War With Granada Begins Faith of Fire Under the Perfect Prince John II Columbus Goes to Spain * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 9 * Physics Lab in the Home: Why Do We Need Refrigerators?, pg. 49 The Cooling Cycle, pg. 51 * Kon Tiki, 1/6 chapter 6 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 28 * Old Yeller: ch. 1, 2 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Prologue, Part First: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth daily poem Week 26 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 13, England under Richard the First, called The Lion-Heart * Columbus and Sons, pg. 138-161: The Return of King Arthur The First Tudor and His Rose The Year 1488 in Cordova Of Hope and Despair Baber, A Future Conqueror Ivan III Defies The Mongol Khan * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 9 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 14 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 29 * Old Yeller: ch. 3 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part First: ch. 2, 3 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 27 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 13, England under Richard the First, called The Lion-Heart * Columbus and Sons, pg. 162-187: Lorenzo the Magnificent Part Three After the Fall of Granada Exodus: 1492 The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria 35 Days at Sea * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 9 * Physics Lab in the Home: How Does a Refrigerator Keep Things Cold?, pg. 53 Can a Refrigerator Cool a House?, pg. 54 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 30 * Old Yeller: ch. 4 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Second: ch. 1, 2 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 28 * The Bible * Columbus and Sons, pg. 188-211: Where were They? Christmas on Haiti Home With the Report Admiral of the Ocean Sea Martin Behaim's Earth Apple The Flamboyant Borgias * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 10 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 15 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 31, 32 * Old Yeller: ch. 5 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Second: ch. 3, Part Third: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 29 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 14, England Under King John, called Lackland * Columbus and Sons, pg. 212-236: The Nuremberg Chronicle The House of Hapsburg Erasmus of Rotterdam Martin Luther, Schoolboy Admiral Columbus Sails Again The Tragedy of Italy * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 10 * Physics Lab in the Home: More About Refrigerators, pg. 55, Opening the Refrigerator Door, p.56 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 33 * Old Yeller: ch. 6 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Third: ch. 2, 3 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 30 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 14, England Under King John, called Lackland * Columbus and Sons, pg. 237-260 Juana and Philip John Cabot and Henry VII Vasco de Gama Reaches India (very long) To Trinidad and Santo Domingo * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 10 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 16 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 34 * Old Yeller: ch. 7 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Fourth: ch. 1, 2 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 31 * The Bible * Columbus and Sons, pg. 261-280: A Voice of the Middle Ages is Silenced: Savonarola Michelangelo Comes To Rome Enter Louis XII Leonardo Copernicus * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 11 * Physics Lab in the Home: You Can't Refrigerate Everything, pg. 58 A Frosty Freezer, pg. 59 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 7 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 35 and 36 * Old Yeller: ch. 8 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Fourth: ch. 3, Part Fifth: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 32 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 15, England Under Henry the Third, called, Of Winchester * Columbus and Sons, pg. 285-307: An Heir is Born: Emperor Charles Waiting in Granada Friends in England Martin Luther Becomes a Monk Between Two Royal Lions: Catherine Unwilling Guests: Philip and Juana Voyage IV * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 11 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 17 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 8 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 37 * Old Yeller: ch. 9 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Fifth: ch. 2, Part Sixth: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 33 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 15, England Under Henry the Third, called, Of Winchester * Columbus and Sons, pg. 308-330: Of Death, Birth and Tragedy: Ferdinand, Juana, Philip Why America? Warrior and Builder: Julius II Erasmus in Italy In Praise of Folly: Erasmus The Happy Husband: Henry VIII Life in Santo Domingo * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 11 * Physics Lab in the Home: Air Pressure, pg. 60 Vacuum Cleaners, pg. 65 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 8 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 38 * Old Yeller: ch. 10 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Sixth: ch. 2, Part Seventh: ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 34 * The Bible * Columbus and Sons, pg. 331-334: Martin Luther Visits Rome Margaret and the Three Kings Ruler of The Netherlands: Charles Two Famous Books: Machiaveli's The Prince/ Thomas More's Utopia The Happy Pope: Leo X The King, Francis I * Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 12 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 18 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 8 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 39, 40 * Old Yeller: ch. 11, 12 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Seventh: ch. 2, Part Eighth ch. 1 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 35 * A Child's History of England: first half ch. 16, England Under Edward the First, called Longshanks * Columbus and Sons, pg. 334-377: Leonardo's last Patron The New King of Spain Magellan Apostle to the Indies A New New Testament Martin Luther's Hammer The Last Knight Rides Away: Maximilian * Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 12 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 19 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 8 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 41 * Old Yeller: ch. 13, 14 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Part Eighth: ch. 2 * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Week 36 * The Bible * A Child's History of England: second half ch. 16, England Under Edward the First, called Longshanks * Columbus and Sons, pg. 378-400: Opinions Vary: Luther Climax on the Rhine Here I Stand Luther England's "Defender of the Faith" Return to Spain 1522 * Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 12 * It Couldn't Just Happen: ch. 20 * Kon Tiki, 1/5 chapter 8 * Bulfinch's Age of Fable: ch. 42 * Old Yeller: ch. 15, 16 * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood: Epilogue * Shakespeare: read approximately 1/12 of current term's play * Plutarch: read approximately 1/12 of current term's Life * Poetry William Wordsworth: daily poem Exam Week |
This page was last updated on: August 21, 2002 |